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Another Fable about Community

It was deep into dusk when, full of drink, the artist dizzied himself into the expansive and well-kept playing fields.

Under the misty sheen of a three-quarters full moon, his urgent pee silvered the darkness around the goalpost against which he leaned.

As he relieved himself he got to imagining the various moments these grassy grounds maybe had witnessed this gone day. . . . the wonderful shot as brilliantly deflected by the daring goal-tender. . . that so subtle feint and excellent delivery now stamped into some child's memory. . . an uncalled foul one player swore had blunted his game. . .

Done with Nature's demands, the artist fixed up his clothes ready to set off - but first step, he tripped on a peg used to ground fast the goal post's net.

He fell.

Unhurt and somewhat amused at his clumsiness, he tried getting up, but only could manage a roll onto his back.

Above and around him was a vast and luminous dark sky that was ever so slowly revolving, inexorably swirling him into a smaller and smaller being, a speck lost to the firmament. . .

. . . blankness then overwhelmed him.

Like a golden globe caught into a basket of black garlands, the dawn moon was setting when the early grounds-keeper found a man curled up fetal near the goal post.

That night-out not being a first, in due course, this kindly fellow returned the artist to his grateful family.

Moral: Care-taking can be habit-forming.