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A Fable about Attention
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Trancendental Fable
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A fable about Worship
So there was this Being, last-named Self, who adored the God, Opinion, that lived in an exalted sphere called Others.
Since this esteemed realm was far from immediate, and difficult to engage without special assistance from support groups and the like, the adulation arrangement wore heavily on the Being Self. Even the simplest intercession with the God meant an extraordinary commitment from Self, itself.
Though negligent in boldness, Being Self was quite ingenious and gave rigorous thought towards a feasible solution.
And so it was that, for purposes of dependability and convenience, Self created a new deity, provisionally designated Homespun Attitude, or HA!
Among other titles being considered are: Wit, Irony, Respect, and Ego.
Moral: For thine own Self, be!